Deception Tip 98: When dealing with pathological liars, lies will look normal and truths may look like lies. This is because they feel more comfortable telling lies than truths.
Deception Tip 94: Pathological liars may not display any leakage because they are so accustomed to lying. What’s more is that their truths may show more leakage than a lie.
Deception Tip 93: Real memories are recorded using all senses. Whereas lies are mainly visual. Question liars by asking about how something smelled, felt, sounded, tasted, et cetera.
Deception Tip 90: When questioning someone, purposefully get some facts wrong, or diminish their pride. This will tempt them to correct you and reveal their story.
Deception Tip 89: Liars often forgo the use of regulators, meaning they talk without restraint, interrupt, miss punctuation, and generally disobey the rules of conversation.
Deception Tip 86: Remember conceal and falsify. Emotions are harder to falsify and easier to conceal. Whereas, body language is harder to conceal and easier to falsify.
Deception Tip 84: Always try to use language that relates to the person with whom you are speaking. They will be more apt to tell you the truth if they believe they relate to you.