
Showing posts from July, 2019

E81 - Mute The TV - Deception Tips Podcast

Deception Tip 81: A good way to train yourself to be more observant towards body language is to watch television on mute.

E80 - Smiles In Lies - Deception Tips Podcast

Deception Tip 80: Smiles are very prevalent in lies. Pay close attention to the symmetricality of the smile, as asymmetrical smiles may be deceptive.

E79 - Believe Body Language - Deception Tips Podcast

Deception Tip 79: Remember that body language is always truthful, and words can be deceptive. Always, believe body language.

E78 - Entire Story - Deception Tips Podcast

Deception Tip 78: Be careful to listen to the entire story, as words can often have more than one meaning. Use context to determine whether or not they are being deceptive.